Sponsor Alex
Child’s Name: Alex
Child’s Condition: Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy and Visual Impairment. Is also peg fed.
Attended Heel & Toe Since: October 2012
Receives- Conductive Education.
Born 6 days late and required ventilation as he suffered a birth injury causing lack of oxygen.
Alex’s Story
Alex’s disability means he requires 24/7 care in all aspects of daily living. He also often has seizures which tire him greatly. He is wheel chair bound and non-verbal, with very limited conscious movement and poor head control. He requires daily stretches to prevent shortening of his tendons. He also needs to use a standing frame to help his bones.
Since joining Heel and Toe Alex has made huge improvements with head control, which means he is now able to use an Eye Gazer where he can communicate with others using his eyes.
Alex loves singing whilst doing his stretches, and spending time with the conductors. He also enjoys painting and playing with play-do and bells. Outside of Heel and Toe Alex enjoys his hydrotherapy sessions, going to wheelchair ice hockey, and everything musical. He also enjoys participating in events held in the village he lives. His family are grateful to Heel and Toe for all their help and the ideas they provide for activities that Alex can try at home.