This is the amazing moment 4 year old Thomas walked up to receive his Stars Award for his hard work and dedication in his therapy sessions at Heel & Toe Children’s Charity.



Thomas and his twin brother, Lachlan were born 11 weeks prematurely and had to spend time in the Neonatal Unit at hospital. Due to this complication, Thomas has cerebral palsy which mainly affects his legs. His mum contacted Heel & Toe Children’s Charity in the hope of them giving Thomas a better quality of life through conductive education therapy sessions at their centre based in Pelton.

His therapist at Heel & Toe, Nelli said “Thomas works very hard in his sessions and is catching up to his peers thanks to his determination. His progress has given such a positive outlook to everyone around him”.

The awards were given out through ‘The Children’s Foundation’ Stars Awards Event. The local charity (TCF) hosts the awards every year, which encourages businesses, schools and charities to nominate the people they feel have made big or small achievements in their lives.

Thomas and Lachlan’s mum, Amanda also received an award for her continuous support with Thomas’s therapy. As a working mum of twins and part time carer for her son, she is an inspiration to all parents out there.



Our second parent and child to receive an award was Ethan Wake and his mum Heather Hastie.

Ethan was an active, healthy 4 year old until he contracted Meningitis, this virus led to Ethan becoming quadriplegic, only communicating through sounds and certain movements and being diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Both Ethan and Heather are an inseparable team. As a busy mum with her own business, Heather spends each moment of her spare time dedicating it to her son’s therapy and fundraising for Heel & Toe Charity, so Ethan can receive as much therapy as possible to help him develop.

Both sets of parents are incredible and we as a charity are extremely proud of their achievements.

If you can support our charity to ensure children like Thomas and Ethan continue to receive free therapy at our centre, please get in touch with our team.