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Total Warrior 2025 – Book Now

What is Total Warrior?

It is an amazing obstacle course which will see you running, walking or crawling through 26 obstacles through water, mud and ice!

Where is it based?

The event will take place at Bramham Park, Leeds on Saturday 21st June 2025. You can make your own way there or travel with us there and back on our FREE organised coach.

How much is it to register?

You can register as part of your own team or as an individual.

Registration is £35 per person with a minimum sponsorship of £149. If you are raising funds for a child’s therapy pot at Heel & Toe, any amount raised over the minimum sponsorship will go into your child’s pot.

How do I book?

It is easy to book. You can download our booking form just click below:

Total Warrior 2024 Booking Form

LEGAL booking form

or click the button below to book online


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