Your vote could help us win £12,000!

SEIB Insurance Brokers will grant a total of £50,000 to charity in 2022 as part of their annual SEIB Giving campaign. The winning charity will receive a grant of £12,000 and the remaining £38,000 will be split between 9 runners up.

SEIB are currently asking members of the public to nominate the charity they would like to see win. Nominations are now open now but only until 17:00 on Monday 17th January 2022.

(pictured above are just a few of the children receiving vital therapy at Heel & Toe Children’s Charity)

Heel & Toe Charity provides; Conductive Education, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language, Movement and Massage and Hydrotherapy to children aged between 6 months and 19 years old who have a physical or complex disability. Our centres are based in Pelton and Perkinsville, County Durham. We currently need to raise £800k per year to continue helping children with disabilities. 

The charity is not Government funded and relies solely on donations and support from the local community, businesses and grant providers.

To nominate us go to . You will also need to add our charity number, which is 1125695.

Thank you, from Team HT!