Parent/Carer Testimonials

We found out about Heel & Toe from another parent who attends, at one of the Mother and toddler groups we went to. Leighton started his Conductive Education sessions at Heel & Toe Charity when he was 11 months old. From the sessions we noticed Leighton had gained so much strength and was able to handle toys, kick a ball and even take his own steps, something we were told he may never be able to do. Because of the therapy we have also been able to take him off his medication which helped to soften his muscles as they are very supple now. The therapy sessions also help with Leighton’s communication and social skills. He has a great relationship with the therapists and thanks to Heel & Toe is a happier more sociable little boy.

‘Because of his therapy sessions at Heel & Toe Charity, Phillip now has more stability when he is sitting; he has more control of his breathing, talking and his hand control. He is much more self-assured. This is an amazing charity.’

We want to thank you all for your help, support and positivity with Wren. We enjoyed every session and learnt so much from you. It was such a boost for us to know that Heel & Toe is there for families like us and we hope that we might be able to return one day.
Thank you for being the first people (and only) to ask what our concerns were for Wren and for helping us to see a way forward. It really made a huge difference.

“There have been so many things that he has done. He has learned to walk with the walking frame and parallel bars. Heel and Toe have really focused on it. They have done a lot of work with him on the frame which I think has helped him so much. After the charity Onesie Walk he started crawling after that. Now he is crawling around the house.”