Sponsor Mason W
Child’s Name: Mason W
Child’s Condition: Mason was born 5 days overdue and weighed in at a healthy 9lb 6oz. however, he did require incubation due to being cold and slightly jaundiced. Difficulties were noticed from 10 month old but no diagnosis was made despite early MRI’s until Mason was 3 years old, at which point his parents were informed that he had Bilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy.
Attended Heel & Toe Since: 2018
Receives: Physiotherapy (awaiting Conductive Education assessment)
Mason’s Story
Mason struggles with a lot of daily tasks and can fall over a lot therefore needing a lot of assistance/support. His only specialist equipment at present is a leg splint.
Mason enjoys swimming, gymnastics, playing on his X Box, as well as socialising with friends and family. Mason will try anything, and if he is unable to do something he will try to adopt it so that he can. He thrives on praise.