Well Done To Our Stars of the Month – July
Children that come to Heel & Toe Charity for therapy already have a huge challenge in front of them, as they learn to deal with the physical and educational limitations their conditions bring.
We know how hard all of our children work in their therapy sessions, so every month we will nominate children who have made great progress and continue to develop their skills at Heel & Toe.


Erin has been making great progress in her therapy session with our Lead Physiotherapist – Jo.
Well Done Erin.
Lyra was nominated for making great progress with walking and for making great progress in speech therapy and asking great questions.
Well done Lyra.
Heel & Toe Children’s Charity is NOT government funded.
We need to raise £500,000 every year just to continue our service.
If you can support us or donate to us please get in touch.
Email: info@heelandtoe.org.uk or call our office on 0191 3868606.