Prince Bishops Shopping Centre – COY 2017

Pictured left to right; Therapy Assistant – Nikki, Child – Joseph W, Prince Bishops – Georgina, Therapist – Adel.
Thank you to everyone who voted for us to become Prince Bishops Shopping Centre’s charity for 2017. This week we had a lovely visit from Marketing Coordinator – Georgina, who came to see some of our children working hard in their sessions of therapy.

Pictured left to right; Child – Leah, Therapist – Nelli and Georgina.

Georgina with H&T Fundraising Officer – Mandy Hammond
We are looking forward to working with the shopping centre’s businesses, staff and shoppers to help raise funds so children like Joseph (pictured above) can receive FREE therapy at our centre in Pelton, Chester-Le-Street.
Can you help us?
If your shopping centre, store, business, school or college would like to support Heel & Toe Children’s Charity please get in touch.
Email or call 0191 3868606 and speak to our reception.
You can follow us on: Twitter @HeelToeCharity,
‘Like’ our Facebook page: @heeltoecharitydurham
Follow us on Pinterest: /heeltoecharity