Sponsor Lucy M
Child’s Name: Lucy M
Child’s Condition: When Lucy was 5 years old, and following viral meningitis, she was diagnosed with ADANE (Autosomal Dominant Acute Necrotising Encephalopathy (a rare brain disease)) and Homocystinuria (meaning she has too much protein in her urine). Lucy also suffers from epilepsy and is partially sighted. She can articulate well although is slow and soft spoken.
Attended Heel & Toe Since:
Receives: CE
Lucy’s Story
Lucy was born 10 days early and weighed 6lb2 however she did not breathe independently until 2-3 minutes old as she required suctioning. After struggling to feed she had to be tube fed after just a few days.
Lucy is wheelchair dependent and requires hoisting now but when a young child she was able to crawl. She loves swimming, playing on her IPad, going to the cinema with her dad, playing with her kittens, and listening to Justin Bieber.