Sponsor April

Child’s Name: April
Child’s Condition: Emmanuel Syndrome
Attended Heel & Toe Since: 2017
Receives: Conductive Education, Physiotherapy
April received a formal diagnosis of Emmanuel Syndrome at 1 month of age. She also has bilateral moderate hearing loss as well as dislocated knees.
April’s Story
During pregnancy April was carried Breech, and suffered a pulmonary atresia as well as being small for her dates. She was delivered by emergency C-Section and spent her first 7 months in hospital. She was tube fed and had to use a C-PAP from birth. She received a formal diagnosis of Emmanuel Syndrome at 1 month of age. She also has bilateral moderate hearing loss as well as dislocated knees.
In her short life she has had to undergo numerous procedures and operations including tracheostomy; fundoplication; gastrostomy; ileotomy; and 4 bowel operations.
April requires support for all of her daily life from feeding and dressing to communicating and playing. She loves lights, music and singing, and enjoys sensory activities. She dislikes being restricted and loud, sudden noises.