Sponsor Lysbeth

Child’s Name: Lysbeth
Child’s Condition: Global Delay Development
Attended Heel & Toe Since: 2017
Lysbeth was born at full term but did not cry or breathe independently straight away and required a small amount of assistance, she was also born with positional talipes. Her parents noticed developmental issues at quite an early age when Lysbeth failed to reach her milestones and despite speaking to their Health Visitor, Lysbeth was not assessed until 18 months of age. At 22 months old she was given the diagnosis of Global Delayed Development.
Receives: Conductive Ed, Physiotherapy and SALT
Lysbeth’s Story
Lysbeth currently requires assistance with everything and is non-verbal however she loves to interact with her older siblings and listen to music, singing and stories. She also enjoys playing with light up sensory toys and watching Mr Tumble on the TV. Lysbeth can be reluctant to engage in anything new and needs time to come around.