The Children’s Awards
October 16, 2020 @ 7:30 PM - October 17, 2020 @ 2:00 AM
| £90.00 – £800.00Heel & Toe Children’s Charity Presents……
Do you know a child who attends Heel & Toe Children’s Charity that has gone that extra mile? Do you know a business or fundraiser who has made an incredible difference to the charity?
Nominate someone to receive an award at our unique Children’s Awards Night.
The categories are as follows;
Outstanding Achievement (Age 0-7)
Outstanding Achievement (Age 8+)
Special Recognition (Age 0-7)
Special Recognition (Age 8+)
Carer/Sibling Award
Sporting Achievement
Outstanding Fundraiser
Outstanding Business Support
Thank you to our event sponsor;
Thank you to our event supporter;
If you have a business here is your chance to sponsor an award. This will give you the exclusive opportunity to chose a winner from your category of choice, then present the winner with their award on the night.
Our Sponsorship Packages Available –
DRINKS RECEPTION SPONSOR – includes; a table of 10 guests on GOLD AREA seating, various PR and Marketing opportunities.
AWARD SPONSOR – Includes; a table of 10 guests on GOLD AREA seating, various PR and Marketing opportunities plus the presentation of award to the winner of your choice.
NB. Please note the deadline for ALL nominations is FRIDAY 31st JULY 2020.
Below are the downloadable documents you will need to nominate;