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Great North Abseil – Halloween Special

We are delighted to offer you a place on the Great North Abseil down Langley Castle on Sunday 31st October 2021 with Wild About Adventure. Dress up in your most spookiest outfit if you dare!

Registration Fee only £25, Minimum Sponsorship £149.

We have 14 places available so book now before they go. Registration at the castle is at 1.00pm, start time will be  between 2pm and 3pm.


  • Minimum age is 10 years old and maximum weight is 20 stone.
  • It is very important that you arrive 30-45 mins before your start time. All participants need to complete an Activity Consent Form and Covid disclaimer before taking part.
  • All instructors use face coverings and ensure regular hand sanitising. However, social distancing cannot be maintained when securing the safety harness and helping people over the top of the castle.
  • Toilet facilities available at Langley Castle.
  • Refreshments available at Langley Castle including afternoon tea and Sunday lunch. We strongly recommend booking early direct with the venue. langleycastle.co.uk


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